The road to Kvanefjeld |
The Kvanefeld trail to the tugtupite mines |


weather - thank the gods! |
Hiking up to the tugtupite
mine near the top of Kvanefjeld |

Hammering on the slopes
of Kvanefjeld |
Top of the Kvanefjeld
trail with our Greenlandic friends |

Kvanefjeld 4th
of July tugtupite hike |
Our main Kvanefjeld tugtupite site |


The Kvanefjeld lake |
Beautiful summer day
at the tugtupite mines |
Swimming in the
Kvanefjeld lake |
Swimming in the Kvanefjeld
lake |

Sun-drying after Fourth
of July swim |
Fourth of
July evening at the Kvanefjeld tugtupite mines |


This is a vein of tugtupite |
Lee McIlvaine holding
a tugtupite specimen |
sunset |


Base camp and the "sorensenite
boulders" |
Sorensenite collecting
trip to the boulders below Kvanefjeld |
from the sorensenite boulder area below Kvanefjeld |

sunset seen from boulders |
A garden of lichens
and moss on one of the boulders |
Rainy day
in the Illimaussaq complex


Icebergs in the
Narsq Elv bay |
Drving into the
Illimaussaq complex |

The rocky gorge of the
Narsaq Elv |
Narsaq Elv in the complex |

Illimaussaq complex rainy day drive |
Illimaussaq mountain
road |

Illimaussaq road rain
hike |
"What a great rock-hunting
location!" |


The Narsaq Elv on the
Illimaussaq mountain road |
Face rock collected
during Illimaussaq rain hike |


Unusual rock formation
in the mist |
Mysterious stone marker |
Taseq West |
Icelandic ponies
in our base camp below Taseq West |
Icelandic ponies
in our base camp |

Bridge over the Narsaq
Elv near base camp |
Crossing the rain-swollen
Narsaq Elv |
Crossing the Narsaq Elv |
One rocky step
at a time up to Taseq West |
Hike from base camp
to Taseq West in fog |
to the Taseq West location by GPS |


Moss with raindrops |
Stream moss with
raindrops |

The collecting area
at Taseq West |
Howie Green collecting at Taseq West |


"Taseq soup"
boulder, Taseq West - source of the "monster polylithionite" |
Panoramic view
from Kvanefjeld to Taseq West |


Taseq lake panorama, Taseq West |
My Thor's hammer pendant on melting
snow |


Taseq West |
View of the fjords |
End of the hike:
return from Taseq West |
fjord |


Boat trip to a collecting
site on a dark stormy day |
fjord panorama |

Iceberg near our Tunuliarfik
and Tugtup landing sites |
Tunuliarfik landing
party - lost in the immensity of the complex |
Trail marker discovered on Tunuliarfik
fjord |
Trail marker discovered on Tunuliarfik
fjord |
Stream boulder |
Hiking above the rocky Tunuliarfik
fjord shore to collecting site |


beach and collecting site panorama |
Illimaussaq complex
view opposite Tunuliarfik collecting site |


Lee collecting
at Tunuliarfik |
My discovery of yellow-green sodalite |


The big rock pile at
Tunuliarfik |
Collecting fun on the
fjord |


among the boulders |
Illimaussaq complex,
Tunuliarfik fjord (opposite Tugtup) |