Enjoying the lost world of Kangri-la


Tired but happy, despite all the difficulties of the trip, we found ourselves in a Greenlandic "Shangri-la"called Kangerlussaq. The majestic fjord, the incredible rocks, several wonderful waterfalls - what a place!

We had reached the far point of Geo Adventure 2004 right at the end. "Kanger" didn't yield as many fluorescent specimens as we had hoped but it was an amazing place to spend our final day and night of rock collecting. We only spent one night camping there but by 11-12 o'clock all the adventurers had gone to bed except one - me. I stayed awake, continuing to search until 2 am, when the sunlight began to return. The temperature was mild and I took little sleep-breaks right on the rocks. The extra hours paid off because I recovered a bag-full of the unusual Kanger multi-color specimens, the ones with a bit of pastel green, blue and orange. Sadly they were not big honkers like I had hoped, but they're nice small ones. And what a pleasure to have collected them in person!


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