Exploring the Mars Frontier requires scientists, engineers AND artists.
on Mars: Working for the Program
The Art of Exploration
My name is Corby Waste and I create artwork for the NASA Mars Exploration Program which is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Since 1998 I've been at JPL visualizing Mars missions. I have to imagine what it's like to be on Mars or in orbit. Before I arrived at the Lab the Mars program mostly used paintings of their spacecraft. I create my artwork with computer graphics. Most likely you've already seen my Mars or other mission artwork for years but never knew who created them because the image credits usually say only: NASA JPL. It's a big job helping to open up the Mars Frontier but someone has to do it!
Mission Art Gallery
I am on Twitter as @MissionArtist.
I haven't updated this whole section since 2010 and a lot has happened since then, like my GRAIL logo launch in Sept. 2011, the selection of the InSight Discovery mission with my artwork and my 15 cover illustrations for the National Academy of Science's Decadal Survey planetary mission studies. Basically, my job now includes much of JPL's Solar System and Moon mission artwork in addition to Mars. In 2012 I created an extensive series of images for the Mars Reformulation effort, orbiters, rovers and landers. NASA decided to select a 2020 rover. Recently the 2 Discovery Program proposals I supported with artwork were selected for further study: VERITAS and Psyche.
There are graphical links all through this site - just click on everything to learn more. I'm working on a Mars Missions Art Gallery and my Solar System Missions Art Gallery with larger images of my art and career highlights.
New: my Mars Stamps Poster Gallery
2011 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Launch: October, 2011 Landed: August, 2012
2007 Phoenix Mars Lander Launched August 4, 2007 Landed on Mars May 25, 2008
Phoenix Mars Lander snapped these images showing the midnight Sun and clouds on Mars!
2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Launched Aug. 2005 Arrived in orbit March, 2006
NASA JPL has 2 highly sophisticated twin rovers called "Spirit" and "Opportunity" on Mars. They've been operating successfully now since January of 2004 and are still going strong. During the spring of 2004 my office was located with part of the rover team. Click on the images below to learn more. |
Mars Express
Mars Express image of water ice in crater at Martian north pole
2001 Mars Odyssey I created virtually all of the NASA artwork for the 2001 mission See also my new 2001 Mars Odyssey Mission Art Gallery
Mars Surveyor 98
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Entered Mars orbit on September 11, 1997 Missing presumed lost November, 2006
15 years on Mars! 2013 marks my 15th anniversary of helping the Mars program at JPL. Many people have asked me how I was able to get such a great job. Perhaps reading about my previous space experiences will help explain. Click on the link below to read about some my pre-JPL hightlights. |
Corby Crater in the news Click on the articles from Corby, UK |
Corby Waste, JPL, mentioned on BBC Comedy Show !
Selected Mars and Solar System Mission Art Headlines Poster
Site Directory
Keywords: Mars artist - NASA artist- JPLA
ist - Space artist
Exploration Artwork GalleriesAt |
JPL artist Corby Waste, soon after his arrival on Mars on March 2, 1998. Welcome to Outer Space! |
The opinions expressed in the Fourth Millennium are strictly my own. This is not a NASA website. |
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© Copyright 2021 by Corby Waste