2001 Mars Odyssey
Launched April 7, 2001
Arrived in orbit Oct. 23,
Ice mapping over the South
Pole of Mars |
Mars Odyssey is mapping the amount
and distribution of chemical elements and minerals that make
up the martian surface. The spacecraft has globally mapped many
elements on the surface and most importantly, hydrogen distribution,
which led scientists to discover vast amounts of water ice in
the polar regions burried just beneath the surface. Odyssey discovered
vast amounts of ice, not just on the ice caps, but in many areas
just below the surface. Ice means water and "follow the
water" was the Mars program's goal, at that time. Today
it's "follow the carbon", which could indicate the
possibility of past or present life. |
The Odyssey team put in quite a lot
of extra effort to ensure it's succesful arrival in orbit. The
navigation team did a spectacular job, basically designing a
new method of pinpointing the spacecraft's location. During Mars
Orbit Insertion (MOI), the team hit the exact target in space
they were shooting for, just a little spot in space after an
enormously long journey. It was JPL's way of saying, no, we haven't
forgotten how to orbit Mars.
Odyssey viewing clouds over
Olympus volcano
Left: the pressure was on but the
team delivered. Everyone in the Mars program was very grateful,
from NASA headquarters all the way down to me. |

This image of mine was released by the
Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) Team to illustrate their discovery
of subsurface ice on Mars. This scene shows Odyssey before the
GRS boom had even been deployed but already the hydrogen signal
was loud and clear, indicating quite a lot of ice. |
This is my most well-known image of
Odyssey. The orbiter is shown over the Syrtis Major Planum, the
dark volcanic area below the GRS boom. Odyssey can look for hot
spots on the surface using it's infrard THEMIS instrument. THEMIS
is the gold instrument on the bottom, to the right of the bottom
solar panel. |
My Mars Odyssey
Stamp Collection
I created nearly all of the 2001 mission
artwork since the project began. It was very exciting interacting
with the Odyssey mission managers and scientists over the years.
Best of all was my Odyssey logo which was
launched on the side of the Delta 2 rocket
when Odyssey began it's 6 month trip to Mars on April 7, 2001.
Below are the team members that I worked with while creating
the artwork and logo. |
Mars Odyssey Team

Project manager George Pace with the
orbiter during testing. George was the one who asked me to create
the Odyssey logo. Later, when I dropped by his office to show
him a cool stereo 3D image of Odyssey in orbiter, he took a look
at it and shouted "Holy smokes!". That was a memorable
moment. |

Roger Gibbs, the deputy project manager,
became project manager after launch. He's wearing an Odyssey
logo pin. |

Steve Saunders was the Odyssey Project
Scientist. He's wearing an Odyssey logo pin. |
Mars Orbit Insertion, Oct. 23, 2001:
Dave Spencer (center), mission manager, with the Odyssey Flight
Operations Team badge visible (see image at right for better
view). The man in the background is Carl Kloss, Science Payload
Manager. After Odyssey's safe arrival when we were all celebrating
in JPL's Von Karman Auditorium, Carl's job was essentiallly finished
and I remember him saying " complete mission success"
- meaning he had overseen the delivery of Odyssey's science instruments
safely to Mars. My artwork was on the wall of the mission control
room. |
NASA Administrator Dan Goldin and Dave
Spencer after Odyssey's signal arrived announcing safe arrival
in orbit. He's wearing the badge with my artwork. |


Former Deputy Project Scientist Jeff
Plaut is Odyssey Project Scientist. He worked me on the design
of the MOI badge artwork. Here he is standing in front of one
of the many Mars program timelines I've created over the years.
It's awesome seeing so many of my spacecraft images on the timeline.
It's as though I "took over" the Mars program, graphically
speaking. |
April 7, 2001 Odyssey
Launch Event, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Space Systems 2001 Mars Odyssey
My triumphant return to Kennedy
Space Center
My wife and I were at Kennedy Space
Center for the Odyssey launch the same week as the 20th anniversary
of the first space shuttle launch, STS-1. Just before this picture
was taken I got to shake hands and talk briefly with veteran
astronaut John Young, the mission commander on that historic
flight. When a TV news crew heard about it they interviewed me,
not about Odyssey but what it was like to be there 20 years later.
It was a wonderful moment because 20 years ago I was only an
interested observer and now I was part of my own launch - to
Mars, no less. It was beyond cool. |
2001: A "Mars"
Imagination vs.
Imagine that you were a big fan of the
movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" ever since it was released
in 1968. And that decades later you found yourself actually working
for and artistically representing NASA's big 2001 mission to
Mars. Well, that's what happened to me and it's hard to imagine
many personal career achievements better than that! The mission
is still going on and although there are no astronauts on the
real 2001 Odyssey our orbiter is nonetheless making one "Discovery"
after another . . . like vast amounts of frozen water that suggest
the possibility of life. Stay tuned because it's really starting
to get interesting. |

The 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft arrived
at Kennedy Space Center in this monolith-shaped container. |
Odyssey's successful
Mars Orbit Insertion was critical
"Great galactic
October 23, 2001: a week before Halloween,
Mars Odyssey successfully returned NASA to Mars by successfully
evading the "Great galactic ghoul", as seen above. |
These are some of the patches
and pins that featured my Odyssey artwork.
2000 Rose Parade appearance
of Odyssey artwork
New Year's Day, Jan. 1, 2000: My
Odyssey artwork appeared on a float in the Rose Parade. It was
created by using only natural, organic materials, e.g., seeds,
flowers, etc. This picture shows just one part of the float.


2001 Mars Odyssey "On a trip
to Cirrus Minor" |
Odyssey website
link |
Mars Odyssey Science Instrument Team Links |
Gamma Ray Spectrometer
team |
THEMIS homepage |
Martian Radiation Environment
Experiment (MARIE) homepage |
Russian High Energy
Neutron Detector (HEND) homepage |
2001 Lander and
Rover Cancelled!
The 2001 Mars Surveyor project originally
had an orbiter, lander and rover but the surface elements were
canceled after the Mars 98 losses. There was intense pressure
to make sure that the next Mars mission, now renamed 2001 Mars
Odyssey, succeeded. |
My Mars Surveyor 2001 logo contest entry
(it lost). Someone else won the contest but after the loss of
both Mars 98 spacecraft the 2001 lander and rover were cancelled.
The 2001 orbiter manger asked me to design the final logo. If
those 2 spacecraft hadn't been lost I would never have had my
logo flown into space! |
My 2nd Mars Surveyor 2001
I can't remember whether this version
was actually used on the website or not. |
My first 2001 Mars Surveyor
project logo |