The Phoenix Mars Lander firing thrusters on it's way down to the martian surface. |
Phoenix monitors the atmosphere overhead and reaches out to the soil below in my 2007 image of the spacecraft fully deployed on Mars. |
The Robotic Arm Camera (RAC) and scoop as seen in a simulated below ground view |
This is my most accurate version, created in 2008 before the landing. It was printed on a 3D postcard and handed out to the public during the 2008 JPL Open House. I had seen the actual lander up close and was able to update my model to make it significantly more accurate. |
This image probably became my most widely used Phoenix artwork. |
This is my 2006 version of the original Phoenix artwork. It appears at the top of the Phoenix website. |
My 2003 image of Phoenix was part of the press release that announced it's selection as the first Mars Scout mission. |
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