Waste family history

McIntosh family relatives


Rebecca McIntosh's 81st Birthday


Rebecca "Grandma" McIntosh, 1804-1888

(Rebecca Wolf Helphenstine)


Newspaper article which appeared probably in March of 1885 (article was not dated).


"Last Sunday, the 8th, Mrs. Rebecca W. McIntosh, who has been so long a resident in our midst, respected and beloved by all, passed her eighty-first birthday, and yesterday many of her relatives and friends assembled at her home, the Lone Tree Ranch, to honor the occasion. A little after eleven o'clock the guests began to arrive, until almost forty had assembled, most of them relatives or immediate descendants of the matriarch. There were present two of her brothers with their wives - L.H. and B.N. Helphenstine, and one sister, Mrs. Jane Gilley. Mrs McIntosh is the mother of eleven children, six of whom are living. Of these six there were present, J. W. McIntosh with his wife, Mrs. G. F. Jones, Mrs. A. M. Barnard with her husband, L. H. McIntosh, and J. T.
McIntosh with his wife.

Her grandchildren number forty-seven, of whom thirty-four are living. There were present of these, J.W. McIntosh, G.F. Nourse, Mrs. E. T. Reynolds with her husband, T. H. Barnard with his wife, George Catey, Mrs. Georgia A. Jones, Miss Jennie McIntosh, and Miss Sidney Barnard. She has five great grand children, Sherman and Albert Reynolds, Miss Frankie Turner, Miss Annie Catey, and Miss Jennie Barnard, all of whom were present. Of her nieces one was present - Mrs. J. F. Entler with her husband. Of friends there were present, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Barnard, Mrs. J. M. Ormsby and Rev. J. C. Simmons. Although Mrs. McIntosh is quite feeble, yet she experienced great pleasure from having her relatives and friends gathered about her. She was very sonerous that all should feel it a day of happiness. A beautiful repast was spread, and joy and gladness filled all hearts. When the feast was over she gathered her descendants about her and requested Dr. Simmons to read a portion of scripture and pray with and for them all. The doctor read the 90th Psalm, and then in an appropiate prayer asked the blessings of God upon this His handmaid who had served Him faithfully for so many years and who having passed her allotted time upon earth would soon be gathered to her fathers. He also prayed that their children, and children's children to the third generation that were gathered about her, and were "a crown of glory" to her in her old age should share the faith and blessings of Him who had sustained her through life and who according to his promise was now "in old age bearing her in his bosom." Deep emotions filled the hearts of all, and many felt that the benediction prayed for had fallen upon them. We extend our congratulations to this mother, and trust that when her sun goes down it may be amid splendors of Christian triumph."

Lone Tree Ranch location of 81st birthday party

 Click on it for larger version.

 Continue to another article featuring "Grandma McIntosh"

titled "The Pioneer Banquet"


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